30th 2022年8月,
ofi secures inaugural US$1,975 million sustainability-linked loan
olam food ingredients (“ofi”), a global leader in 自然ly good food & 饮料的成分, 今天宣布,它已获得了一笔总额为1亿美元的多笔可持续发展相关贷款,9.75亿(“设施”). 在推荐买球平台国际有限公司(现推荐几个足彩外围app有限公司“推荐几个足彩外围app”)宣布重组后,ofi于2020年初成立,以释放和最大化其长期价值.
Rishi Kalra, 执行 Director and Group CFO of ofi said:
“At ofi, sustainability is at the heart our operations. This Facility is fully aligned with ofi’s growth strategy to deliver sustainable, 自然, value-added food and 饮料的成分 and solutions through a diverse channel mix, 面向全球客户.”
该基金拥有推荐买球平台控股B公司.V. 作为借款人. 该基金最初由推荐几个足彩外围app担保,在ofi计划IPO和分拆后,推荐几个足彩外围app将转让给ofi集团有限公司. 从
9th 2022年6月,
Since the beginning of its commercial trials, Terrascope已经为拥有复杂供应链的食品行业的公司测量了超过2.3亿吨的温室气体(GHG)排放量 & Beverage, Agriculture, Real Estate, and Consumer Goods – across 15 countries. 目前,英国不同行业和部门的企业正在进行商业试验, 法国, 印尼, 日本, 马来西亚和新加坡.
9th 2023年11月
推荐买球平台阿勒 and 今年 Support Akosombo Flood Victims
推荐买球平台阿勒, the country’s leading supply chain manager in agri-commodity, 和它的姐妹公司, 今年, 加纳的一家顶级食品制造商, 在周五, presented a consignment of relief items to flood victims of the Akosombo Dam spillage.
在10月中旬, 沃尔特河管理局(VRA)开始从阿科松博水库放水,以保护大坝不被淹没.
The influx of large volumes of water has raised levels, causing excessive flooding in several low-lying areas along the Volta River, 包括, 但不限于, Mepe, Battor, Sogakope, 相类似的, Adidome, 和艾达.
16th 2023年5月
Providing Access to Clean Drinking 水 in Satikran, Côte d'Ivoire
In the small village of Satikran, located about 30 km from Abengourou in the sub-prefecture of Aniassué, 生活正变得越来越好. 推荐买球平台农业在Côte科特迪瓦的橡胶企业——社会农业工业集团(SAIC)——向该村捐赠了一台太阳能水泵, bringing access to clean drinking water to more than 12,000居民.
捐赠 is part of the Nassey program, 在当地方言中是“谢谢”的意思,旨在表达推荐几个足彩外围app对农村社区社会发展的感激和承诺. The solar-powered water pump will provide the community with safe and clean drinking water, something they have long struggled to access.
捐赠, which was made in time for World 水 Day, 奥古斯丁·阿佩蒂呢, Deputy Managing Director of SAIC, expressing his joy at the pump’s impact on the community saying, “对推荐几个足彩外围app的母亲来说,这是一种解脱, 姐妹, 和女儿! 有那么多人的生活需要改变!"
16th 2022年11月
Enhancing Workforce 营养 in 加纳
作为改善工作场所营养和促进员工健康生活的努力的一部分, 推荐买球平台农业加纳公司在午餐时间为所有6个地点的员工提供强化大米.
5th 2021年5月
2019冠状病毒病的潮汐影响造成了全球各地都能感受到的人道主义和经济后果. The progress made against the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly towards no poverty and zero hunger, has been seriously hampered since the pandemic took hold over one year ago. Hard-won gains such as reducing childhood stunting actually stand to be reversed.
An 推荐买球平台-conducted survey of over 3,19个国家的400名农民展示了小农对他们收入的影响, 全球粮食和农业供应链都感受到了生计及其社区的变化和破坏. Read the article by Julie Greene, Vice President of Corporate Responsibility & 可持续性, on Agri-Pulse and read our Farmer Barometer report here.